True to Our Nature
How yoga can nourish and restore your health
In studio classes are back. Please check schedule for on line
and in person selections.
For private sessions, contact Aniko directly.
The Lifelong Practice of Yoga
Anybody who wants to can practice yoga. Anybody can breathe therefore anyone can practice yoga. But no one can practice every kind of yoga. It has to be the right yoga for the person. Not following the path of someone else. The yoga concept of svadharma means “your own dharma” or “your own way.” The teacher helps you find your own dharma.
In The Heart of Yoga, Desikachar states that “the only authentic yoga is one that works for each person.”
The Right Class For You

What To Expect During Classes
Some common yoga traditions that you may encounter in our studio.
- Chanting Om: Our yoga classes begin and end the class by chanting the sound “Om.” This Sanskrit word is said to be the sound of creation, and helps to unite energy and bring sacredness to the practice.
- Child’s Pose: This pose is the most common and accepted “resting pose” in the physical practice, and is a beneficial one for you to be familiar with for when you need to take a break. From your hands and knees, simply sit back on your heels and put your forehead on the floor with your arms outstretched or wrapped back around your legs. Feel comfortable taking this pose anytime.
- Savasana: (pronounced sha-VAH-sah-nah) the final resting pose in any yoga class. It translates to “corpse pose,” and while that might sound strange, it simply represents the natural ending of the practice, and reminds us that everything in life happens in cycles. The pose is quite simple; you lie on your back for a few minutes while the benefits of the practice are absorbed into your system.
- Namasté: The tradition at the end of any yoga class is for the teacher and the students to say the word “Namasté” to each other. This word has many beautiful translations, but essentially means “I bow to the Divine in you.”
What other yogees are saying
Aniko has worked wonders for me.
I have had low back pain for years and decided to try yoga.
After a series of private sessions, my pain is gone and
I feel like a new person.
Run, don't walk to see this amazing lady!
--- Joe Haedrich, Basking Ridge, NJ ---